Deciding to become a freelance writer is the easy part. The challenge is finding writing jobs. The Internet is a fantastic resource for finding jobs and there are several online sites that offer a list of jobs specifically for freelance writers. In my efforts to find work I have stumbled across a few sites that have been extremely beneficial to me. I offer this list to you with the hope that you, too, will find something of interest.
This site is simple to navigate and gets right to the point by offering over 45 job categories for freelance writers. Click on copywriting, blogging or any job category and POOF you are taken to a page containing ads that could eventually lead you to a great writing gig.
This site offers a straightforward approach. As soon as the page loads you are greeted with an assortment of job ads. The site features a tool that lets you choose your own job category so you don’t have to search every listing, only those that are appealing to your area of writing.
One of the nice features of this site is that you can pin-point the area in which you would like to find work. You have the capability to search for writing gigs in your own state and county or search abroad.
Searching for a blogging gig? This site is for you! A list of opportunities for bloggers is updated daily. The opportunities await you.
This site not only offers a list of writing gigs but also offers helpful articles that cover a wide range of freelance writing topics. Consider this site a two-for-one in that you receive job leads plus an education that will help to increase your writing and earning potential.
This site will require some time to sort through the information but it is well worth your effort. In addition to job listings for writers the site offers special tools to enhance your chances of landing a writing gig. Check it out to see if it is something you can use.
Photo provided by Jodi Hughey. Copyright 2011.